Rustic Lens

Cloverland – An Eastern Washington Ghost Town

In Eastern Washington, there’s a little ghost town that I just found out about. My son and I...(Read More)

Weis Rock Shelter – An Ancient Nezperce Home

Located about 9 miles from Cottonwood Idaho, Weis Rock Shelter is a niche in the side of the basalt...(Read More)

Craters Of The Moon – Southeast Idaho

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve hides in the desert of southeast Idaho.  The...(Read More)

Out Damn Spot – Lightroom Tutorial

LADY MACPHOTOGRAPHER: Out, damned spot! out, I say!–One: two: why, then, ’tis time to...(Read More)

Historic Sumpter Valley – Sumpter Oregon

In the summer months,  you can take a ride on the Sumpter Valley Railroad and feel like you have...(Read More)

Virginia City, Montana – A step back in time

I love Virginia City and it’s close neighbor, Nevada City.  Virginia City is an old gold...(Read More)

Winter Beauty – Idaho’s Camas Prairie

Let’s face it, we all have something that holds us back in our pursuits.  Sometimes...(Read More)

An American Icon – National Bison Range In Montana

The National Bison Range in northwest Montana trip that I took last winter was not all that I had...(Read More)



Silver City – Idaho Ghost town

For years I have wanted to visit Silver City Idaho.  I had seen pictures and read descriptions of this well preserved mining town and it peaked my interest, but it never seemed to work out.  The final straw was when I...(Read More)