Rustic Lens

Camas Prairie Railroad Pt. 2 – Ferdinand to Ruebens

The Camas Prairie Railroad runs through some of the most rugged and beautiful landscape that Idaho...(Read More)

Don’t Be Caught Unprepared – Keep Your Camera With You

I do a lot of driving and try to always have my camera with me. You never know when the sun is...(Read More)


This is a fairy trap constructed by my daughter. Notice the way the box is tilted and balanced on...(Read More)

Gear Review – Spider Single Camera Holster

The Spider Single Camera Holster is one of my favorite pieces of camera gear.  I have owned it and...(Read More)

Slickpoo Idaho – St. Joseph Mission

I wouldn’t call it a town, or even a village at this point. Slickpoo Idaho is more of a group...(Read More)

Alabama Hills – Lone Pine California

Alabama Hills A friendly suggestion led me to an awesome discovery. I was on a road trip to meet up...(Read More)

Idaho’s Oldest Rodeo – Border Days

Idaho’s oldest rodeo isn’t in Boise.  It’s not even in Idaho’s first...(Read More)

DJI Mavic Pro Extreme Testing – Alone And Afraid In The Forest

When I first unpacked my new DJI Mavic Pro, I was excited and couldn’t wait to try it out.  I...(Read More)


Atomic Idaho – East Idaho Desert

Atomic research plays a big role in the history of eastern Idaho.  I recently learned that the first city in the world powered by atomic energy was Arco Idaho.  Scientists first made usable power from a nuclear reactor...(Read More)